Leticia Rodrigues 
Brazilian vibe, dog lover and wine drinker
Creative Director  | AD
Cannes See It Be It 20'22, The One Club Next Creative Leader '21 
About Me        ︎  ︎   ︎

In Brazil there’s a very popular meme that says “I never feel cold, ‘cause I'm always covered up with reasons”. It’s a word play where covered up means being full of reason and wrapped in a blanket. So, we create the reason blanket - literally. And now, people can actually cover themselves with reasons.︎︎︎

In addition, the campaign featured 4 films that reinforced the idea of how good it is to be right, through the delicious sensation of filling your mouth and saying: “I knew it”.


My role: Creative Director
Art Director: Lucas Buled, Leandro Valente  |  Copywriter: Américo Vizer, Caroline Dienstmann

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